Day 1 Recap

To recap on Day 1, Friday, it turns out the tiredness and slight headache were indeed the side effects of Naltrexone (NTX). Friday turned out to be mostly a "bad day".


Day 2 & 3

As I wanted to be sure about the side effects, I didn't take a dose on Friday night. I wanted to give my body a chance to flush things out so to speak. Saturday, I had some challenges with tiredness. As I wanted to keep pursuing this treatment I took a dose earlier at around 6:30pm. This gave me more awake time while the NTX did it's thing. It was a good choice. I started to get the tiredness and slight headache around 10:30. Sometime after 1am I would have drifted off to sleep.

I was lucid around 8:30am Sunday morning. I found it extremely difficult to "wake up" - much more than usual. Coming out of this state was a drawn out process. With family visiting today I knew I would be using much more energy than I would have liked. I was surprised that while I was well over my normal physical limit, my exhaustion peaked and plateaued to a level where I could still keep burning energy. It was as if I had some reserve fuel to keep the fire lit. At the moment, I'm putting this down to the positive effects of NTX. I also took a small amount of Energy X (Mg supplement) to counteract any potential PEM I could expect the next day.

My dose for Day 3 I took again around 6:15pm. As I type his in the early hours of Monday morning I have yet to feel any of the strange tiredness that plagued me with the first two doses. I will leave it there to see what the morning brings.